October 24, 2015



Insurance 101 and why you need a car accident lawyer:

Is the insurance company really on your side when you are injured in a car accident?

NO! None of the insurance companies involved in your car accident claim – not even your own – is on your side.  Why? Insurance companies, like any other company, are in the business of making money.  Hence the less they reimburse you for your damages, the more money they make.  Therefore, if you have been in a car accident, you need a competent car accident lawyer.

Why do I need a car accident lawyer?

Hiring a car accident lawyer is essential to ensure you are made whole.  A car accident lawyer understand that you have incurred medical expenses, and lost time from work.  In addition, insurance companies must compensate your pain and suffering.  However, insurance companies rather work with you directly and not a car accident lawyer because that is advantageous to them.  Most people do not fully understand their rights and that is exactly what insurance companies use to maximize profit and minimize loss.

There are other personal injury claims for individuals. Battery/Assault, and defamation are some examples of personal injury recoverable in Texas. In some personal injury claims punitive damages may be rewarded to punish the wrongdoer.